bed bug treatment in Spring Hill

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Bedbug Treatment in Spring Hill

Is it Bedbug or Bed Bug? Well, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, “honeybee” and “housefly” and “bedbug” are all spelled as a single word. However, according to the ESA Common Names of Insects Database, they are two words: “honey bee” and “house fly” and “bed bug.” You decide! We call them unwelcome guests!

Bed bugs have emerged as a persistent and troubling insect for nearly every homeowner. Bedbug infestations are on the rise again in the USA. A 2015 study on bedbugs revealed that these pests are traveling on peoples belongings which is one of the reasons we are seeing a huge jump in the number of residential and commercial bed bug infestations.  Often, homeowners first try to eliminate these pests on their own. 

Some homeowners feel the answer to treating bed bugs in their homes is to vacuums. Exterminators agree that vacuums do not eliminate bedbugs. The bedbugs can escape from the vacuum, and re-infest the home. 

Proper strategies for treating bed bugs continue to plague families across the US as homeowners are discovering that these pests are fierce competitors. Even though there are pesticides accessible on the market for treating bedbug outbreaks, their application requires special knowledge and education. 

To successfully treat bed bugs it is essential to have a general understanding of the make up and habits of the pest. Bed bugs are about the size and color of a chia seed. They eat from off the body of the host, they feed solely on blood. A popular misnomer is that bed bugs are found only in beds in the home. Although this may be the favorite hiding spot for bed bugs, these pests are found in office furniture, and hotel rooms.

Typically, bed bugs emerge from their hiding spot at night to find a human host and withdraw blood the same way a mosquito would. Feeding usually takes between 5 to 10 minutes. Once they are full, bed bugs will retreat to their hiding places and rest for  another week before coming back to feed again. 

There are different ways to exterminate bed bugs. Extermination usually begins with the application of a chemical dust.  The bed bugs are attracted to the dust, which is designed to trap and kill them.  Bed bug eggs are a different story, they are exterminated by using steam machines. For homes infested with bedbugs, solutions are available. The extermination process includes applying heat treatment. To deter the beg bugs from coming back homeowners can dust frequently, vacuum and steam clean. As well as sealing cracks around the exterior of the home. Bedbug management is a daunting task, so calling in a pest management professional is the best bet. 

Another process that Pest Control of Spring Hill, Florida uses is heat.  We use an electronic furnace to attract the bedbugs which then become dehydrated and die. Both of these pest control techniques are effective at killing the bed bug infestation.

​We don’t recommend Do it Yourself home pest control for bed bugs, also known as D-I-Y bedbug pest control, for many reasons, call us today and we will be more than happy to discuss the reasons why.

Facts about Bedbugs:

  • They do not fly.
  • They are the size of an apple seed.
  • They feed by sucking the blood out of humans, the same way a mosquito does.
  • They can live in any type of furniture.
  • Bedbugs are most active at night.
  • Bedbug bites do not hurt.
  • Typically, they bite humans on neck, hands, face and arms.
  • Bedbugs do not fly even though they have wings.

Most people don’t even know that they have an infestation until the bedbugs have been in the home for quite some time. Bedbugs often times travel home with unsuspecting vacationers from hotel rooms or cruise ship cabins.  Once home the bedbugs settle into their new home, and bite their hosts as they sleep. It’s not until the bites, appearing as a rash, cause the human host to investigate where the rash is coming from that they realize they have a bedbug problem.

If you think you have a bed bug infestation, you should call Pest Control of Spring Hill at 352-398-4822, right away for an affordable solution. If you delay the pests will multiply causing the extermination process to be much more involved.  

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