
Relax Knowing You’re In a Flea Free Home!

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Flea Treatment Spring Hill

  • Fido have fleas? Are your pets are scratching like crazy?
  • Do you have little bites on your body?
  • Do you feel like you’re the guest in your flea’s home?
  • It’s time to evict these unwanted guests and take your home back!
flea treatment Spring Hill

Fleas are tricky little pests! Did you know you can bring fleas into your home without an animal in sight? One of the biggest misconceptions is that only dogs or cats have fleas. In fact, any exposure to the outdoors can bring in fleas. These insects are so tiny, that they can be almost unidentifiable, leaving you to wonder what has caused your severe itching and irritation. 

Fleas don’t care who they infest. Your dog, your cat or you. As long as they have a food source they don’t care who they feed off of. The moment you suspect to have fleas in your home, you should call us at 352-398-4822. We will ask you a series of questions to determine exactly what your situation is, and schedule an appointment to do an on-site inspection. 

Fleas inside your home can quickly become a major problem. They can multiply and infest your home within a short period of time.The complete life cycle of a flea, from egg to larva to pupa to adult, takes roughly 15 days

Life Cycle of the Flea:

  • Egg
  • Pupa
  • Larva
  • Adult

Fleas, much like bed bugs, are not always easily seen by the human eye. They don’t always leave a clear mark on the skin which shows that they have bitten you like a mosquito would.  Fleas can cause a lot of discomfort because they leave you feeling itchy and irritable. There is nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable in your own home and your own skin.

Another issue to watch out for when it comes to fleas is the fact that these small critters have phenomenal jumping abilities. They can be in one location one second and in another the next second.

Additionally, even if you cannot identify fleas in your animal’s fur, those fleas hatch eggs in carpets which can make it even more difficult to identify.

These eggs are also released in small cracks. Fleas love hiding places, and know all the best hiding spots. 

​Favorite Hiding Places of Fleas: 

  • Animals
  • Carpeting
  • Bedding
  • Baseboards
  • Cracks & Crevices 

It is highly recommended that you hire an experienced pest control company to handle a flea infestation.You can attempt to use flea bombs to eliminate your flea problem but you will spend a lot of money and time only to find out that fleas are formidable foes. 

Pest Control of Spring Hill specializes in exterminating fleas from your home, giving you the comfortable pest free home you deserve. We take preventive measures to ensure that small cracks are sealed within your home so that pests cannot enter into your home. We also provide tips on on-going flea prevention. 

When you have your home treated for fleas, you will need to ensure you have your pets treated at the same time or your will be wasting your money and time as they are unfortunately the unsuspecting hosts to these unwanted guests.

Call the pest control experts at Pest Control of Spring Hill today to eliminate all of your flea problems.

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