termite remediation

Termite Remediation

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Repairing The Damage Termites Leave Behind

Cosmetic damage isn’t the only type of damage termites cause, termites can cause structural damage if they are not discovered right away. Wall studs, floor joists, support beams, posts, and even ceiling joists are highly susceptible to termite damage.

Unfortunately, by the time most termite activity is discovered, the termites have done significant damage rendering it inhabitable until the termite damage can be repaired.

Sadly, most homeowners don’t realize they have a termite problem until the termites swarm. Termites typically swarm in the spring when the temperature starts to rise. The termite queen will send a message to the colony that it’s time to look for more real estate.

Once the colony receives the message they are on the move. The termites will then swarm, looking for a new place to infest, reproduce and grow a new colony.

When termites swarm it is a sure sign that your home has termites. You may also notice wallpaper that has bubbles, wood that is buckling, bowing ceilings, sagging floors, termite wings or wood that may look like it has water damage.

The Formosan termite is a species of subterranean termite. It thrives in coastal areas, as well as in the southern United States. It is by far the most destructive species of termite in the US.

Within two years this species of termite, can cause catastrophic damage to a home if they are not detected and exterminated. In the time it would take other species of termites to cause the same damage, the subterranean Formosan termite can easily structural damage your home. This is because Formosan termites live in very large colonies.

​The first step is to ensure the home has been properly treated by a licensed pest control technician ensuring that  the termites have been eradicated, and you have eliminated the risk of developing a new termite infestation in the future. 

Once all of the termites have been exterminated, you can then proceed with having the damage repaired. The second step in determining how to repair the damage is to assess the home for structural damage. Wood that has been damaged by termites needs to be removed completely, and replaced with new wood.

This may seem easy enough to do, but hiring a licensed termite damage remediation specialist is highly recommended.

If you have a termite infestation, or suspect you have a termite problem, call Pest Control of Spring Hill at 352-398-4822 today to schedule an inspection, and evaluation of your home.

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